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We choose inclusivity over indifference.

To our friends and followers:

Habitat for Humanity has always sought inclusivity and has often served as a place where people holding disparate views can come together in common cause.  The infrequently told story of Habitat’s roots speaks volumes about our ingrained commitment to a world where everyone has a decent place to live and the opportunity to thrive.

Habitat for Humanity was born on Koinonia farm in South Georgia, on the theory of radical inclusivity, at a time when inclusivity was seen by some as an existential threat.  Koinonia was an interracial community, home to people of faith and strong conviction, who lived in the shadow of a community that did not understand, welcome — or in many instances — tolerate them. At Koinonia, black and white members were paid the same wage, and ate meals around the same table, regardless of color.

Because this small group never failed to put their faith into daily practice, what would become our global housing ministry found its footing and its following.  Because that group persisted after Klan members burned down their vegetable stand and fired guns into their homes, Habitat is here today.  In more than 40 years, we have helped provide safe and decent housing for more than 29 million people.

Right here in Tompkins and Cortland Counties, we’ve built homes in partnership with single mothers, Muslims, African Americans, and individuals with physical disabilities.  We extend our hand to any family who wants to walk with us, in equal partnership, through their journey to homeownership.  We’re motivated by the fact that a safe, affordable home has helped these very families achieve job promotions, celebrate first generation college students, and benefit from improvements in their health.  Together, we’re building a stronger community.

Despite the uncertainty around us, we’re resolute in our principles of a united humanity, where everyone has a decent place to live.  We’re firm in our belief that people in need of decent housing, regardless of their race or religion, deserve the opportunity to have a safe, stable place to live.  We welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds to help build these homes, and we work with people of all faiths and people of no faith.


If you’re looking for an impactful, tangible way to show your support for equality, acceptance and inclusivity in our community: Build with us.  Together, we can rededicate ourselves to Habitat’s vision where everyone — regardless of their race, background, or walk of life — has a place to call home.

Let us never forget that Habitat was born in a place marked by its fierce commitment to the equality of all people and its unfailing devotion to the creation of opportunity for all. We will always work alongside those willing to partner with us.  No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to have a decent life, to feel strength and stability day after day, and to know that we have the power to help build our own futures.

In partnership,
Shannon MacCarrick             Marianne Pelletier                
Executive Director                  Board President

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